How you can help


„You cannot cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.

Rabindranath Tagore



If you are willing to help you decide which project you want to support. You name it and we make sure that it reaches its destination.


We are highly transparent and guarantee that your donation goes to 100% into the projects. Since the guardian angels for Honduras Kids is a small association and its initiators live in the country part time of the year there are no administration costs whatsoever.  

We are grateful for EVERY dollar you are willing to give, also small donations are welcome. 

If you would like to donate books, please contact us to get further information about the proceedings.


Our account in Germany: 

IBAN:  DE 82 8306 5408 0005 2778 92



The guardian angels say THANK YOU!




Wir sind wegen der Förderung der Jugendhilfe und der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit nach dem Freistellungsbescheid des Finanzamtes für Körperschaften I in Berlin (Steuernummer 27/677/64675) von der Körperschaftssteuer befreit und nach § 3 Nr. 6 des Gewerbesteuergesetzes von der Gewerbesteuer befreit .